Tuesday, 29 June 2010


We used the program Final Cut Express to do a lip syncing task.

The print screens of the different settings and techniques we used to edit our music video to create an overall visually pleasing final piece. It was important throughout that we kept rendering the product for us to make sure the lip sync looked accurate and was in time with the original soundtrack. Aswell to get the right shots of the music video we used the in and out marker tools. After choosing the selection i wanted to use i dragged it onto the timeline and tried to ensure the timing was correct throughout.

The final Lip sync task.


Florence + The Machine. Rabbit Heart.

For the duration of this video i counted approximately 97 shots. At the start there was less shots to begin with as the song was slower and the video was focusing on the main artist.
Then as the chorus began and the song picked up space there was lots more shots and they became faster in joint with the speed of the music. The music video has an old fashioned roman/greek theme that makes it more surreal. where the music then turns light hearted and the pace slows down the shots in the video turn to a more paler colour and the sunshine reflects off the camera and there's also 2 transparent shots over one another showing 2 shots at once.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Mika's Album.

This is Mikas debut album so it ha h is name in uppercase big abstract font right in the centre of the album in white which contrasts against the bright colours in the background. The name of the album cover is also featured on the front cover to appeal to the audience. The bright patterns and images such as the flowers and the doves is what makes the album unique and would stand out from the others. The album comes across as a really fun natured album.
The piano featured on the front of the album could relate to the fact of Mika being an authentic musician. The title of the album relates to what is featured on the front of the album. Mika's album names ' Life in cartoon motion' relates to the colourful animated cartoon sofas and cogs'.

Album Covers Analysis.

The 'Kanye West - Graduation' album shows a 'Parental Advisory' certificate on the front of the cover which shows although the layout on the cover is light-hearted and colourful with animated characters on it the album actually contains explicit content which is shown through the certificate. The Beatles Album ' Yellow Submarine' consists of a psychedelic theme which relates to the type of music they made in the 60's. The Paulo Nutini album is his second album and consists of a different type of music to his first album that he made. The album relates to him turning over a new leaf and recording a new type of music and to try and establish himself as a new type of artist.